Formo Culture Campus

Animal-free Dairy Production

Formo is a food biotech company on the mission to bring the next generation of sustainable, healthy, and equitable dairy products to consumers.

The team at Formo is evolving dairy, using precision fermentation to create animal-free milk proteins in the lab, which are then turned into indulgent cheeses in the traditional, artisan way.

At the end of 2021, Formo teamed up with the Smart Lab Architects to find a new location for their R&D Lab as well as an ambitious Bioreactor pilot plant.

Not only did we find a beautiful lab space: we planned, designed, rebuilt & equipped all of its >1000m² across two floors, and finally guided the merge of Formo's existing R&D facility into this new building, the Formo "Culture Campus" - all within just six months.

  • Location

    Frankfurt, DE

  • Client

    Formo Bio

  • Year


  • Area

    600m² S1 R&D Lab
    400m² Bioprocess Up- & Downstreaming

  • Scope

    R&D Lab &
    Pilot Production Plant

  • Status

    in under 6 months

Project Overview

  • Discover

    50 Locations
    in 200km radius


    • Location Requirements
    • Understanding Scientific Processes
    • Location Analysis
    • Landlord Negotiations
    • Due-Diligence Investigation
    • 360° Virtual Tours
  • Design

    80+ Detail Plans
    Construction, HVAC, process-optimized Layouts & Equipment


    • Process-optimized Zoning
    • Lab Bench & Workspace Planning
    • Lab Equipment Planning
    • Custom Builds
    • HVAC Planning
    • Lighting
    • Custom Branding
  • Build

    • S1 Biotech Lab
    • Bioreactor Pilot Plant


    • Bioreactor Battle Station
    • S1 Walls & Floors
    • Deconstruction Works
    • Electricity, Water, Sewage & Gas Connections
    • Setup of additional Fume Hoods and Infrastructure
  • Buy

    700 Machines & Consumables
    75% financed through Leasing


    • Equipment Financing / Leasing Framework
    • Central Logistics Hub
    • Lab Equipment
    • Lab Consumables
    • Smart Lab Equipment
    • Bioprocessing Equipment
    • Productivity & Workspace Ergonomics
    • Construction Materials
  • Move

    4 Truckloads
    transferred from prior Lab


    • Lab Furniture
    • Lab Equipment
    • Lab Consumables
    • Seamlessly Cooled Samples
    • Chemicals & Dangerous Goods
    • Bioprocessing Equipment
    • Office Equipment
  • Sprint

    • 2 Weeks
    • 12 SLA Experts
    • 20+ Client Employees
    • 10+ Construction & Service Companies


    • Lab Operational
    • All Regulatory Applications Done
    • Set up Lab Machines
    • Set up Lab Signage
    • Organize Consumables
    • Set up IT & Periphery
    • Set up Smart Lights & Sound System
    • Individual Sessions with Scientific Team
    • Built "Little Paradise" Outside Common Area
    • Weekend & Evening Activities

More Impressions

Involved Partners

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